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Showing posts from November, 2023

Benefits of eating Walnuts in Winter

Walnuts: Winter's Little Powerhouse (and Your Taste Buds' BFF) Forget boring old jingle bells, these are the nuts that really rock! Walnuts: they ain't just tasty, they're like a tiny health army hiding in your pantry. Packed with omega-3s, they're your heart's best bud, fighting inflammation and cholesterol like a ninja. And forget about brain fog, these little guys are brain boosters, keeping your memory sharper than a squirrel remembering where it buried its acorns. Antioxidants? Check! Free radical warriors? Check! Walnuts are the ultimate champions against oxidative stress, basically like your body's personal bodyguard against bad guys. And if you're trying to manage your weight, walnuts are your secret weapon. They're packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, meaning you'll stay fuller for longer and maybe even eat less pizza (gasp!). Inflammation? Not on our watch! Walnuts are armed with polyphenols and omega-3s, which are like double-

How to Deal with FOMO

  If you're constantly feeling like you're missing out on life's exciting adventures, take a moment to appreciate the amazing things you already have. Instead of envying others' seemingly perfect lives, focus on the incredible experiences you've had and the people who make your life special. 2. Social media: the FOMO feeding frenzy. Social media can be a real bummer when it comes to FOMO. Scrolling through endless pictures of friends having seemingly perfect vacations and parties can make you feel like you're stuck in a boring rut. But remember, social media is often a highlight reel, not an accurate representation of reality. So, take a break from social media and go enjoy the real world, where the grass isn't always greener – sometimes it's covered in dog poop. 3. Know your FOMO triggers. Just like a superhero has their kryptonite, you probably have certain situations or people that make your FOMO feelings go into overdrive. Whether it's your frien